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Trips method

Get a list of trips (periods)

Valid content types

  • pauschal
  • hotel
  • trips
  • charter
  • oneway
  • (extras is not supported!)


public array trips( array $searchData, array $headerData, $topOffersFilter = array(), boolean $cleanUrl = true)


  • searchData (array) : search parameters. Required serach parameters: vnd, bsd, epc, tdc, gid
  • headerData (array) : SOAP Header Information
  • cleanUrl (bool) : TRUE returns clean friendly URLs.
  • topOffersFilter (array) : top offers filter. Results that match this filter will be listed at the beginning of trips list

Example $topOffersFilter:

    'toc' => 'PALM',    // touroperator PALM      

Return Values

Returns a list of available trips. Here is an example of output:

    [header] => Array
            [typ] => hotel
            [offers] => 106
            [rgc] => 659
            [rgn] => Dalmatia
            [rgg] => 100023
            [rggn] => Croatia
            [pages] => 6
            [perpage] => 20
            [offset] => 
            [sid] => b8hf8e9qene0lf8v46lujkokl2

    [offer] => Array
            [pic] =>
            [gid] => 2224352079381
            [htn] => Bretanide Wellness & Sport Resort
            [stc] => 4.0
            [ovr] => 0
            [oid] => 18703
            [hon] => Bol / Brac
            [fcts] => bea=0,ben=0,chf=0,clb=0,ani=0,pol=0,wel=0,spt=0,sgl=0,stn=0,ski=0
            [dtemp] => 
            [wtemp] => 
            [rgc] => 659
            [rgn] => Dalmatia
            [rgg] => 100023
            [rggn] => Croatia
            [geo] => 0

    [trips] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [sub] => catalog
                    [gid] => 2224352079381
                    [toc] => PALM
                    [ton] => Palma
                    [rgc] => 659
                    [oid] => 18703
                    [zac] => DZ
                    [zan] => double room
                    [vpc] => AI
                    [vpn] => all inclusive
                    [htc] => LEHRV3041439
                    [svc] => 26700 DZ AI
                    [vnd] => 2014-09-27
                    [bsd] => 2014-09-30
                    [tdc] => 3
                    [md5p] => 9fe8b14bfd2d90a5bc841951834625aa
                    [md5t] => 000f98a576b35158c09a10aaadec4fa0
                    [hsc] => 000f98a576b35158c09a10aaadec4fa0
                    [ppc] => 192
                    [cppc] => 202
                    [alt] => 0
                    [top] => 0
                    [aid] => 
                    [atx] => 
                    [iid] => 
                    [itx] => 
                    [lid] => 
                    [ltx] => 
                    [vid] => 
                    [vtx] => 
                    [zid] => palm_26700
                    [ztx] => 1/2 BM AC; ALL
                    [tocpic] =>
                    [doplacila_opis] => DO 16 LET NA DODATNEM LEŽIŠČU;AKCIJA -5%
                    [url] => ?epc=2&vnd=1&bsd=300&toc=&tdc=1-7&rgc=659&gid=2224352079381&sel[hsc]=000f98a576b35158c09a10aaadec4fa0&sel[toc]=PALM&sel[sid]=&sel[gid]=2224352079381

    [filters] => Array
            [toc] => Array
                    [selected] => 0
                    [val] => Array
                            [PALM] => Palma


            [vnd] => Array
                    [selected] => 0
                    [val] => Array
                            [20140903] => 2014-09-03
                            [20140906] => 2014-09-06
                            [20140910] => 2014-09-10
                            [20140927] => 2014-09-27
                            [20140928] => 2014-09-28
                            [20140929] => 2014-09-29
                            [20140930] => 2014-09-30
                            [20141001] => 2014-10-01
                            [20141002] => 2014-10-02
                            [20141003] => 2014-10-03
                            [20141004] => 2014-10-04
                            [20141005] => 2014-10-05
                            [20141006] => 2014-10-06
                            [20141007] => 2014-10-07
                            [20141008] => 2014-10-08


            [tdc] => Array
                    [selected] => 0
                    [val] => Array
                            [3] => 3
                            [4] => 4
                            [5] => 5
                            [6] => 6
                            [7] => 7


            [zac] => Array
                    [selected] => 0
                    [val] => Array
                            [DZ] => double room
                            [FZ] => family room


            [vpc] => Array
                    [selected] => 0
                    [val] => Array
                            [AI] => all inclusive


            [ppc] => Array
                    [selected] => 0
                    [val] => Array
                            [192] => 192
                            [1015] => 1015


            [alt] => Array
                    [selected] => 0
                    [val] => Array
                            [0] => 0



    [sorts] => Array
            [toc] => 0
            [vnd] => 0
            [tdc] => 0
            [zac] => 0
            [vpc] => 0
            [ppc] => asc

Return parameters

  • header (array) : information about a selected region and paging information
    • typ : content type
    • offers : number of offers found
    • pages : number of pages
    • perpage : records per page
    • offset : current page (first page have offset 0, second page have offset 1, …)
    • sid : session id used
    • rgc : selected region code (ID)
    • rgn : selected region name
    • rgg : selected region group code (ID)
    • rggn : selected region group name
  • offer (array) : an offer information
    • pic : full picture
    • gid : GIATA ID
    • htn : accommodation name
    • stc : hotel category
    • ovr : overall rating
    • hon : city name
    • oid : city ID
    • fcts : all available facts
    • dtemp : air temparature
    • wtemp : water temperature
    • rgc : region code (ID)
    • rgn : region name
    • rgg : region group ID
    • rggn : region group name
    • geo : does this property has a geo location coordinates (1) or not (0)
    • lat : latitude
    • lon : longitude
  • trips (array) : a list of trips
    • sub : sub category (catalog, earlybird, lastmin, ski-pack). For content type trips you have this special sub values:
      • trip : regular bus trip
      • busplane : combined trip with bus & plane
      • busplaneship : combined trip with bus, plane and ship
      • cruise : cruise | trip with ship
      • plane : trip with plane
      • train : transport with train
    • gid : accommodation GIATA ID
    • toc : touroperator code
    • ton : touroperator name
    • tocpic : touroperator logo
    • zac : room type code
    • zan : room type name
    • vpc : service type code
    • vpn : service type name
    • htc : hotel code (or product code)
    • svc : service code
    • vnd : checkin date
    • bsd : checkout date
    • tdc : duration
    • md5p : unique hash for this offer (for internal use only)
    • md5t : unique hash for this trip (for internal use only)
    • hsc : unique hash for this trip
    • alt : alternative trip (1) or a normal trip (0)
    • top : top trip (1) or a normal trip (0)
    • aid , iid , lid , vid , zid : (for internal use only)
    • atx : room facilities text
    • ltx : room location text
    • ztx : room detail description
    • itx : included services in room price
    • ppc : price per person
    • cppc : catalog price (if cppc is grater then zero, then this is information about catalog price – without discounts)
    • ahc : departure airport (IATA code)
    • zhc : arrival airport (IATA code)
    • sid : entry point ID (only for trips content type)
    • sin : entry point name (only for trips content type)
    • status : trip status (only for trips content type)
      • 1 : trip is guaranteed
      • 0 : trip is cancelled
      • 3 : trip is almost guaranteed
      • else : trip has no status
    • url : a suggested URL with search parameters for check method
  • filters (array) : all possible filters
    • toc (array) : filters by touroperators
      • selected : (0) if this filter is not selected, (1) if this filter is selected
      • val (array) : a list of values you can use for this filter
    • vnd : filters by checkin date
    • tdc : filters by duration period
    • zac : filters by room types
    • vpc : filters by service types
    • ahc : filters by departure airport (only for pauschall, charter, and oneway content types
    • alt : filters alternative trips
    • ppc : filters by price per person
  • sorts (array) : possible sorting
    • toc : sort by touroperator name
    • vnd : sort by checkin date
    • tdc : sort by duration
    • zac : sort by room type
    • vpc : sort by service type
    • ppc : sort by price (default sorting)


  • Example with basic search parameters with selected hotel (GIATA ID)
$searchParams = array(
  'vnd' => '30.10.2014',       // start date
  'bsd' => '15.11.2014',       // end date
  'tdc' => '1-4',              // duration [min-max] days
  'epc' => '2',                // number of adults
  'gid' => '71088',            // selected hotel by GIATA ID
$trips = $soapClient->orsxml_hotel_api_call( 'trips', $searchParams, $header );
  • Example using filters
// filter offers using single filter
$searchParams = array(
  'vnd' => '30.10.2014',       // start date
  'bsd' => '15.11.2014',       // end date
  'tdc' => '1-4',              // duration [min-max] days
  'epc' => '2',                // number of adults
  'gid' => '71088',            // selected hotel by GIATA ID
  'filter' => array(
      'tdc' => '2'             // filter by duration (display only trips with duration 2 nigths)
$trips = $soapClient->orsxml_hotel_api_call( 'trips', $searchParams, $header );
// filter offers using more then one filters
$searchParams = array(
  'vnd' => '30.10.2014',       // start date
  'bsd' => '15.11.2014',       // end date
  'tdc' => '1-4',              // duration [min-max] days
  'epc' => '2',                // number of adults
  'gid' => '71088',            // selected hotel by GIATA ID
  'filter' => array(
      'tdc' => '2',            // filter by duration (display only trips with duration 2 nigths)
      'vnd' => '20140903'      // filter by checkin date (display only trips that starts on 3rd Sep. 2014)
$trips = $soapClient->orsxml_hotel_api_call( 'trips', $searchParams, $header );
  • Example using sorting
// filter offers using single filter
$searchParams = array(
  'vnd' => '30.10.2014',       // start date
  'bsd' => '15.11.2014',       // end date
  'tdc' => '1-4',              // duration [min-max] days
  'epc' => '2',                // number of adults
  'gid' => '71088',            // selected hotel by GIATA ID
  'sort' => 'vnd|asc'          // sort by checkin date in ascending order
$trips = $soapClient->orsxml_hotel_api_call( 'trips', $searchParams, $header );
// filter offers using more then one filters
$searchParams = array(
  'vnd' => '30.10.2014',       // start date
  'bsd' => '15.11.2014',       // end date
  'tdc' => '1-4',              // duration [min-max] days
  'epc' => '2',                // number of adults
  'gid' => '71088',            // selected hotel by GIATA ID
  'sort' => 'ppc|desc'         // sort by price in descending order
$trips = $soapClient->orsxml_hotel_api_call( 'trips', $searchParams, $header );
  • Example using paging
// filter offers using single filter
$searchParams = array(
  'vnd' => '30.10.2014',       // start date
  'bsd' => '15.11.2014',       // end date
  'tdc' => '1-4',              // duration [min-max] days
  'epc' => '2',                // number of adults
  'gid' => '71088',            // selected hotel by GIATA ID
  'toffset' => '3'             // display 4th page (toffset 0 returns 1st page)
$trips = $soapClient->orsxml_hotel_api_call( 'trips', $searchParams, $header );
ors-soap-api/public/trips.1510044349.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/11/07 09:45 by admin