====== Setup guide ====== ===== Licence ===== First you need to obtain ORS Licence. Please contact us at [[support@ors.si]] You can also use this [[DEMO Licence]] to get you started. ===== Service URL ===== Use this service URL for sending reqeusts: [[http://www.ors.si/orsxml-soap-api/orsxml_soap.php]] ===== API Doc ===== You can check [[http://ors.si/orsxml-soap-api/docs/apigen/index.html|API ducumentation]] for detailed view of all the classes and methods. Some usage are also described in this manual. ===== Instructions ===== Follow this instructions to create a simple soap reqeust using ORS SOAP API. Instructions are for PHP language ==== SOAP client object ==== Fisrt you need to create __SOAP client object__. This is a PHP example of SOAP client object // init soapClient object $soapClient = new SoapClient(null, array( 'location' => 'http://www.ors.si/orsxml-soap-api/orsxml_soap.php', 'uri' => 'http://www.ors.si/orsxml-soap-api', 'trace' => 1) ); ==== Header information ==== Setup your SOAP header information using your ORS licence (you can use [[demo_licence|DEMO licence]] if you don't already have a valid ORS licence). Check [[SOAP Header]] for more information on header parameters. // ORSXML header information $header = array( 'lang' => 'en', // a return language 'usr' => 'xmldemo', // ORSXML user 'pass' => 'orsdemo', // ORSXML password 'agid' => '5780', // agency ID (or account id) 'sid' => session_id() // this is required so that filtering and sorting work correctly! ); ==== SOAP call example ==== This is an example how to create [[regions|Regions call]] to retrieve a list of available regions for selected [[soap_structure#search_parameters|search parameters]]. $searchParams = array( 'vnd' => '30.10.2014', // start date 'bsd' => '15.11.2014', // end date 'tdc' => '1-4', // duration [min-max] days 'epc' => '2', // number of adults ); $regions = $soapClient->orsxml_hotel_api_call( 'regions', $searchParams, $header ); ==== Conclusion ==== That's it! You have now created your first SOAP call. Check all available [[SOAP calls]] that you can execute and [[SOAP structure]] to understand in more detail how all works.