====== Cancel Info method ====== This method checks if cancellation is possible and what are cancellation costs (depending on TourOperator policy). You can cancel booking with [[cancel|cancel]] request. Cancellation costs are then visible in: "response": {"ttp": ?} If ''ttp'' is empty then you can cancel without costs. ===== Parameters ===== * ''search (array)'' : booking number (''prc'') and touroperator code (''toc'') are required parameters * ''header (array)'' : [[soap_header|SOAP Header Information]] ===== Return Values ===== Check [[book_info|book_info]] . ===== JSON Examples ===== @see [[ors-soap-api:public:json_api]] how to post request. { "requestType" : "book", "action": "cancel_info", "search": { "prc": "5527588", "toc": "ODP" }, "header": { "lang": "[lang]", "usr" : "[usr]", "pass": "[pass]", "agid": "[agid]" } }